TÜBİTAK Support and Grants
Scope of Service
TÜBİTAK, a public institution dedicated to promoting, directing, and popularizing science and technology in Turkey, provides substantial financial support for R&D projects in the private sector and contributes significantly to the start-up ecosystem.
With our TÜBİTAK Support Consultancy services, Ventera offers:
- In an introductory meeting, we listen to you and provide a free analysis of your company with our team of experts who specialize in TÜBİTAK regulations.
- We identify potential project points in your business model and evaluate your projects’ eligibility for support and grants.
- We guide you in completing your project application in compliance with TÜBİTAK’s required document structure and support items.
- After your project is approved, we remain by your side throughout the project period. We help you manage your project budget efficiently with our feasibility studies and guide you on the documents you need to prepare and the notifications you need to complete.
- While continuing to produce new projects for your project portfolio, we keep you informed about newly announced project calls.
Uzman Kadro
Ahmet Yasagan
Teşvik Danışmanlığı
- Teknopark Projeleri
- TÜBİTAK Destekleri
- KOSGEB Teşvikleri