KOSGEB Support and Grants
Scope of Service
Ventera provides KOSGEB Support Consulting services to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) receive financial support from the Small and Medium Enterprises Development and Support Administration of Turkey. KOSGEB aims to increase the economic and social contributions of SMEs and to contribute to the entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing financial support for the development of new products, processes, and services.
- At the initial meeting, we listen to you and conduct a free analysis of your company with our team of KOSGEB experts. We identify potential project areas in your business model and evaluate your projects for their suitability for support and grants.
- We guide you to complete your project application in compliance with the required documents and support items of KOSGEB.
- Once your project is approved, we assist you throughout the project period by conducting feasibility studies to help you manage your project budget efficiently. We also provide guidance on necessary documentations and notifications.
- We continue to produce new projects for your project pool while informing you about the latest support programs announced by KOSGEB.
Uzman Kadro
Ahmet Yasagan
Teşvik Danışmanlığı
- Teknopark Projeleri
- TÜBİTAK Destekleri
- KOSGEB Teşvikleri